radiative recombination câu
Has recombination been “forgotten”?Hình phạt cảnh cáo đã bị “bỏ quên”? If there is recombination, it does not leave.Nếu có giông tố, c...

The types of radiative energy studied include:Các loại năng lượng bức xạ được nghiên cứu bao gồm: This change is called radiative forc...

genetic recombination
We have separate genetic recombination and our environment affects us as well.Chúng ta có bộ gen khác nhau và cách môi trường tác động ...

homologous recombination
The researchers monitored homologous recombination using Rad51, another protein marker.Các nhà nghiên cứu đã theo dõi quá trình tái tổ ...

recombination process
Ions or free radicals transported to the object surface by diffusion may release this extra (non-thermal) energy if the surface catalyz...

radiative cooling
The new film works by a process called radiative cooling.Loại phim phủ mới này hoạt động bằng một quá trình được gọi là làm mát bằng bứ...

radiative reaction
He published his famous paper on classical electron theory, which included mass renormalisation and radiative reaction in 1938.Ông đã x...

radiative transfer
The radiation zone is the region within the stellar interior where radiative transfer is sufficiently efficient to maintain the flux of...

radiative heat transfer
The effective thermal resistance of an enclosed air cavity is strongly influenced by radiative heat transfer and distance between the t...